Essentially, with increased exercise intensity your muscles must burn more calories, and so your heart must beat faster to provide the oxygen necessary to convert those calories to the form of energy that can be burned by your muscles. It is this relationship that allows you to predict your energy expenditure (i.e.
The conversion of calories from their stored nutrient state to the form that can be burned by your muscle cells is achieved, during aerobic exercise, through the process of cellular respiration, which requires oxygen, and the delivery of oxygen through your bloodstream to your active muscle cells is directly related to your heart rate. About These Calculatorsĭuring exercise your muscles must burn calories to fuel their contractions. If you want to learn more about net and gross calorie burn, read the Net Versus Gross Calorie Burn article. If you want to convert the estimate to net calorie burn, memorize the number and click here. Note: This calculator provides gross calorie burn estimates. Fat Versus Carbohydrate Utilization During Exercise Calculator.